关于「 gameon」的内容列表

Oak Grove Ventures to Provide Customized Support for GameOn TON Game Hackathon

At the GameOn TON Hackathon Dubai Development Workshop hosted by Payment Protocol AEON, Oak Grove Ventures introduced its comprehensive support program for the participating teams of this Hackathon. As the co-organizer and judge of the event, Oak Grove Ventures actively cultivates early-stage projects in the TON ecosystem through a tailored TON Valuable Builder (TVB) project program. The program provides one-on-one workshops and direct investment opportunities for participating teams, with speci...

2024-11-01 22:39:52
Oak Grove Ventures 将为 GameOn TON 游戏黑客松提供定制支持

在支付协议 AEON 主办的 GameOn TON 黑客松迪拜开发研讨会上,Oak Grove Ventures 介绍了其针对此次黑客松参赛团队的全方位支持计划。作为活动的共同主办方和评审,Oak Grove Ventures 通过量身定制的 TON Valuable Builder(TVB)项目计划,积极培养 TON 生态系统中的早期项目。该计划为参赛团队提供一对一的工作坊和直接投资机会,特别支持那些展现出强大技术执行力、创新游戏机制以...

2024-11-01 22:39:52